Friday, June 18, 2010

Highlight of Camp.

That morning, I saw A, the 7-year old charmer who professes to be her boyfriend and I asked him if he was okay.

"Are you happy?" I asked.


I was just about to leave church camp early for another event when I caught sight of that familiar face, with a bright green, animal print bandana over her head. She was wearing the medal I had passed to her from my friend, who had a liver transplant 18 years ago and went on to do an Iron Man event. Last week she was bedbound, and a day ago, she was in a wheelchair. Now, she was walking, and very well, too.

"Just last night, someone prayed for us, that she would run with God... And you know, after being chair-bound, she got up and walked... So we've been letting her wear the medal the whole day," said her mother. "What you shared with us is such a great encouragement. It's such a precious medal from your friend."

" Yes. He won it by 1.7s at the World Transplant Games. He really wanted her to have it. "

And so there and then, I took a picture with you, just before you had to go for another round of chemotherapy. And that moment, was so precious.

You be strong, dear.

And that is how I have come to realise, I can never take enough pictures of my kids.

(My picture with you is with your mother :) )

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