Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Gift.

" When can I ride my bicycle with my friends?"

That was all he wanted to know. There, lying in the hospital bed for yet another admission of a fit, that was all he wanted to know.

He was normal before. He used to attend a normal school, have normal friends, lead a normal kid's life. Life before his brain infection was good. Then, the incident happened, and now he goes to a special school, makes special friends and leads a different life.

"Mummy never lets me go to chalets with my friends anymore. When can I go to the next chalet outing? When can I ride my bicycle with my friends?

At that moment, my nose soured briefly. He just wants to ride his bike.

During the course of my Paediatric revision rotation, I can see how childhood illnesses are robbers of the light. They take away what does not belong to them. Yet, these brave warriors soldier on. Do we take what we have for granted? Do we realise that everything we have isn't truly ours, that at any moment, all that we have could be taken away from us? That in an instant, our lives could change forever?
And it could be due to no fault, no folly of ours. Who could have thought a brain infection would change one's life so drastically, and such a young one at that?

At that moment, I suddenly realised that everything I have, from my hands and feet to the brain I have, are gifts from God. Going to school and having to face gruelling exams are gifts. Being able to interact with friends ( sometimes laughing, sometimes fighting) is a gift. Being able to say I am recovering from a fracture which still hurts is a gift.

Today, with all its challenges, is a gift.
All he wants is to stay at a chalet with the rest of his friends and ride his bike.
I feel you, dear. I wanna ride my bike and fly in the wind, too. Rest well, and I hope you get better soon.
Thank you for reminding me, that every moment we have, is a gift.

A drawing I scrawled today for this teen (name hidden under my eraser to protect identity!)

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

I hope you can ride your bike with your friends soon!


Jiejie (big sister) Wai Jia

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