Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Night lamps.

Perhaps, what makes Darkness all the more scary, is looking out into its neverending nothingness... and fearing that it might never end, that we may never arrive at where we were meant to arrive at.

I remember a story I heard at church, about driving at night. That we may be driving to a far-off destination, a place we can't even see with our eyes, beyond the horizon. But that it doesn't change anything, doesn't make the drive scarier, or harder- because all we need really, is just enough light from our headlamps to shine on the first few feet that's ahead of us.

Sometimes, it seems almost impossible to see ourselves arrive. And in times of despair, looking too far out ahead, into black nothingness can leave you completely undone. Will this ever end. Will I ever get better. One questions the Darkness.

But maybe, there isn't the need to look so far off. Just like the car driving at night, we only need enough light shining on our feet, to see where we're taking our next step, and the next step, and the next step.

Slowly, slowly, we will arrive. Step by step, a walk in faith.

In reality, we don't need that much light to look so far ahead. God gives enough light for the moment, each and every day. Just enough light for our feet. Just enough light to arrive.

In reality, all we need is a tiny lamp, the tiny lamp God gives us.

Step by step, a walk in faith.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
-Psalm 119:105

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