Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Beautiful Day.

A beautiful day is:

- Feeling awfully exhausted in the morning from the week's events but feeling great that it's Sunday. Sunday is church day.

- Finding another email in my inbox from my sister far away.

- Attending church in the morning, realising that the guest speaker is the 78-year old missionary lady who used to pastor my previous church, going up to say hi to her, and realising she not only remembers me, but also wearing the brooch I gave her just before she left. She smiles at me, tells me her husband remembers me, still, and gives me a book her daughter wrote about her mother's time as a missionary in China. "They're selling these books outside, but I want to give this to you."

- Walking through a mall in the afternoon, brushing my bag against the shoulder of a lady my mother's age, going back to apologise and realising she looks familiar- "Mrs C! You taught me in Primary 4! You look just the same!"

- Stopping to chat with her, watching her struggle to remember me... "I was in Miss K's Primary 6 class, Head Prefect... remember?" before she finally erupts midway in our conversation, "Ah yes! I remember you! You were very chubby right? And not quite half as tall, no?"

- Exchanging contacts and receiving a text message from her hours later, "Hi Wai Jia, have you found what you wanted at Isetan (the department store)? I've reached home. Do you know I still keep the Chinese paper cut-out you gave me and this stone ornament you painted for me- your name was written at the back of it :) "

- Realising that it's been 11 years, and yet, we still remember each other. "Teachers made the biggest impact on my life," I said.

- Finding a most gorgeous, branded silver dress going for $25 at an original price of $89, seeing that it fits perfectly well, feeling sexy in it, but feeling uncomfortable about it. Changing out, putting it back on the rack and realising why- that I've grown up, realise that one can have too many clothes, and no longer need a short, half-translucent, pretty thing to feel beautiful. Walking out, and feeling good, more whole, healthy.

- Having daddy pick me up in his car, and being dropped off at the beach.

- Lying on the sand, curled up, lying flat and then sprawling out lazily, watching the sky fade into twilight, and listening to the heartbeat of the waves.

- Watching couples, hand in hand, eating a Mac Donalds ice-cream cone, and knowing I'll have one myself, someday, soon.

- Reaching home, and then finding an email:

Hi Wai Jia,
Not too sure if you still remember me but we did talked briefly via email a couple of months back. Do take good care of yourself all right? And I will be here praying that you will recover successfully =) Hang in there, especially during the treatment sessions. I may not know how it feels like or how tedious the process is, but as long as you keep that faith in you, better days will come.
I really admired your courage to seek help and to share your experiences. As a physiotherapist, I feel that it really takes a patient to know a patient. I guess it's the same for doctors. So don't be afraid or even daunted to share your experiences with everyone else.
Like I've mentioned previously, although I am not a Christian, but something that happened last year made me realised that God never forsakes anyone. And I am sure he will always be there for you.
So hang in there and Jiayou!

- Coming to terms with missing people, and learning that it's all right to.

- Crackers and cold milk.

A beautiful day.

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