Sunday, September 9, 2007

For being the Star in the Darkness, for making it Worthwhile.

Hey :)

Thanks for commenting on my blog WaiJia (: Really means alot to me and then I went to read yours. Heehee. I hope you're doing well and just wanted to let you know that you're always in my thoughts though I've only met you once at the eating disorders support group briefly (:

Read about your struggle that day and just wanted to let you know I'll remember you in prayers and I know you can pull through no matter how hard it will be. Once again, something about the way you were so comfortable in yourself that night made me really want to be like you. I know that sounds cheesy but I guess it just means you're a reeally good motivater hmm? As hard as a struggle as it is, know that beating the struggle tastes so much better than living in it all the time. That's really what I got from you that night because really, the way you communicated to everyone and gave encouragement was very meaningful and thanks again okay?

I'm not trying to sound like I know everything but I hope that helps as much as you've helped me :D :D Do take care and I like your drawings too by the way! Heehee.

Oodles of love,

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