Sunday, November 4, 2007

extra-Ordinary Angel.

It's been two weeks since our paths crossed. You did for me what I do for others, but you taught me more, still.

It's been two weeks since our paths crossed. Things have been challenging but I have been happy.

I received a text message yesterday.

" Howdy. Hope u are fine. Feel free to write or call me if you need a listening ear. You can always take me as a brother. Regards, V."

As it was, you had done more than a normal person would, and still you did more. You taught me that more than Stopping for one person, we can do so much more. We can choose to remember. We can Stop many times for the same person, simply because we choose to remember them.

Most people say I'm too gullible, the sort of person who'll get cheated someday by one of these Strangers I meet. But I liked that you were middle-aged with a receding hairline, quiet, and always maintaining a distance, for the sake of decorum and propriety. Just, lending a hand as a Stranger, and knowing your limits, my space, our Comfortable distance.

Thank you for Stopping again for me, for bridging the Gap and yet keeping the distance. More importantly, thank you for teaching me what it means to Stop and to remember.

extra-Ordinary Angel.

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