Thursday, May 28, 2009


I am learning:

- that a calling cannot and should not consume you.

- that at the end, what's most important, is that love relationship between our hearts and who we call God.

- that as we love Him more and more, our callings will beckon us, in clearer ways, in ways unimaginable.

- that our callings become toilsome burdens only because we see ourselves as mere servants, and forget that ultimately, we are also God's friend and child.

- that dreaming, like love, is a risk. And that while I'm dead scared (of both loving and dreaming), I think I will be less so in time.

-and that... it's okay to dream. It's okay to keep dreaming. It surprised me to find myself surprised to realise that, all over again.

And so it no longer bothers me so much anymore, to know for sure exactly what my calling is. Because out of love and dreams, trust and faith, tomorrow will become clear and certain eventually.

And that gives me great joy and freedom, to see it getting clearer, as I live in today, every day.

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