Sunday, November 2, 2008

Drinking Beer with Lime

Ok here's something easier to digest before reading my post on the Plusliner..

Just awhile ago, I went to meet up with my cousin at The Curve for dinner.

If there was anything I love about this place, is that there is a small Philippino band that plays all kind of romantic music. So if you are out of places to bring your girlfriend, out of money, and what more with nothing to do, i'm pretty sure this is the place you'd want to stay around for awhile..

The occasion was to see his very young kids with one that still needs carrying.

And the other being 2 years old.

As for dinner, we went to a restaurant called Bavarian Bierhaus (its amazing for someone who takes the plusliner bus).

Judging from the look on the signboard, it is indefinite not to drink beer.

Now I am not going to write about my food since i would leave that to somebody else or wait...somebody has done it already isn't it!

I am going to talk about my beer that I had there. I mean i've never done any posts on drinks before.

So just before I had my very expensive Paulaner together with my meal,

my cousin told me to try the beer with lemon in it as he had heard from a friend in America a long time back.

Now I don't really know what kind of crap they come up with in America, but what the heck, for the fun of it, I went ahead with it.

Drop a lemon in it, and after having half a glass full of the beer, I couldn't help but think that, there was nothing great about it except for the slight tint taste of lemon.

How about squeezing lemon into it??Would that make a bigger difference?hmm..

And So i did.

Drinking the rest of my Paulaner with lime knowing full-well that it will taste like ummm...


I can't help but think I would either get a very upsetting stomach or at worst delusional.

Things seem ok until I noticed something rather different with one the boys...

The two year old boy suddenly came out from his chair.

Walked closed to another table and stared at the little girl

After 10 minutes, really focused and keeping full eye contact with the girl.

Then squad and admire her. It looked like someone found love at an early age.

hmm I don't know about you guys, was it me or is it just that guys today really start at a really really young age or is it simply i've noticed too many marriages this year..

All I know is, at least it gives a sigh of relieve that the parents know he is normal than to think 20 years later he'll be the next Elton John!

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