Different reflections elicit different reactions. And thank God that through it all, we have the confidence to know that those mirrors are lies, and that in truth, we're still who we are.
But life isn't always like that. The Carnival can be so overwhelming and we can get stuck in a maze long enough for us to start believing what we see. We let our problems become our reflections, and allow our reflections to define who we are.
Even if they're not true.
It doesn't matter what problems we're facing- when we're stuck in a rut, maybe, just maybe, all we really need is a Frameshift. A changing of mirrors, an alternative perspective.
Ele is an elephant.
Ele is not real.
Ele is an elephant who lives in the funny mirror in the crazy maze in the big red tent at the Carnival.
What is Ele like?

Why does Ele evoke such strong feelings of frustration?
Is it because we think Ele might be real?
That she might be a reflection of who we are,
And that people might find out,
We're not as perfect as we hoped to be.
Do we fight hard to get rid of Ele?
I've been trying so hard- why won't you budge!

Are our problems and struggles like that too? We've tried every possible method known to us, and yet- they just won't move an inch. Like Ele, they seem to reflect a part of ourselves, the part of ourselves we don't like-our inadequacies and failings, and they can make us feel so hopeless, so frustrated, so very angry.
The scary part is, because Ele is not real, and because Ele lives in the mirror in the big red tent at the Carnival, there's nothing we can do to get our hands on her.
Are we looking at our problems through the right looking-glass?
Or do we need a different perspective.
A complete Frameshift.
A Brand New Way of looking at things? A Way we never even imagined possible.
Maybe it's through a different perspective that a Breakthrough will arrive.
And maybe, just maybe, we'll realise, that our fears, just like illusions and nightmares, never really existed in the first place...
And that Ele never was real, never really existed...
that the power to change our minds, and perspectives lay within our own control.
In life, may we always thank God that through it all, we may have the confidence to know that those mirrors we spend so much time looking at are lies, that we have the power to remove our garments of dirt and costumes of deception,
and that in truth, we're still who we are.
Children of God.
" Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and was standing before the Angel. Then God answered and spoke to those who stood before Him, saying, 'Take away the filthy garments from him.' And to him, God said, 'See, I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes."
-Zech 3:3-4
" "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments..."
-Rev 3:5
Wai Jia would like to share the good news that she's been making good progress in Therapy and will be participating in her first race tomorrow since her health was restored. She would like to thank her many friends, those of you journeying with her, and the therapists at Singapore General Hospital for being ever supportive and seeing her through thus far. Facing the truth helps you to start living authentically again- take the first step forward.
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