dedicated to all her readers and loved ones
Once upon a time, there was a Very Big Dragon named Two Thousand and Six and a very little girl named Anna.
The Very Big Dragon named Two Thousand and Six lived in the Big, Black Sea down below, while little Anna lived faraway on rainbow-coloured clouds in a place far above.
Two Thousand and Six was Very Bad, and Very Big.
Anna was, on the other hand, very small.
One day, Two Thousand and Six captured little Anna!
Two Thousand and Six was a Very Bad Dragon.
It captured little Anna, stole Anna's very little mouth and hid it in the Big, Black Sea so she could not find it. This made little Anna very sad.
Little Anna set out to find her very little mouth! But the Big, Black Sea was so Very Dangerous and she was consumed by the Big waves.
But one day, Two Thousand and Seven came along.
Two Thousand and Seven was a Very Big Hand. It was even BIGGER than the Very Big, Bad Dragon named Two Thousand and Six.
It was Two Thousand and Seven that rescued little Anna!
Two Thousand and Seven helped little Anna find her mouth, and helped her to help others find it too.

Two Thousand and Seven helped her to draw a rainbow in the sky, and returned little Anna back to her home of rainbow-coloured clouds up above.
Two Thousand and Seven saved little Anna!
"Thank you Two Thousand and Seven!" she cried out.
It was Two Thousand and Seven that saved her life!
"You're welcome, " said Two Thousand and Seven. "I have a Very Good friend named Two Thousand and Eight and he will look after you from now on so Big, Bad Dragons won't come and get you. You'll be safe up here."
Little Anna smiled, and returned home, back safely to her rainbow-coloured clouds up above, waiting for a Very Good Two Thousand and Eight to arrive.

To all of you, thank you for walking this journey with her.
She would like to thank all of you who have sent her emails, messages and notes of encouragement, as well as all of you who visit this space.
Thank you for the little things- for reading, for leaving a note on this tagboard, or simply passing on this space to someone else to share her Story. She wants to hug you, even if she hasn't met you before, because she wants to thank you for sending Two Thousand and Seven to save her.
It's been a long year, from darkness to light, from a deep, deep valley to a mountain-top, and from blackness to light.
Thank you for being with her.
She would like to send you a hug because she knows so many of you sent secret angels to alert Two Thousand and Seven when she was captured so Two Thousand and Seven could come down and save her.
Special thanks to Jo, Ther, Lif, and TAM for your prayer and friendship when she was captured. She can never thank you enough.
To EK and A, for your love, support and encouragement. You changed her life since Kitesong.
To all the Angels she met in her White Place, for blessing and loving her inside-out.
To her family, for giving her a real Home to go back to.
To her Very Special and Big Hand, for saving her life, and for His Faithfulness.
To all of you, for being such a beautiful audience.
Thank you so much for saving her life.
She hopes that each of you may be blessed with a Very Good Two Thousand and Eight too.
She hopes you enjoyed reading her Full Story.
This is her gift to you.
May God bless your hearts always.
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