I'm such a standout in life that if you are given a chance to count the number of times I standout as compared to the number of times I "sitout", you would never finish.
It's like counting the number of hair on my not-so-furry dog.
Even if that may come as not too challenging, it's like counting the number of leaves on say..a rainforest tree.

There is just so many reason why I standout but i'm just going to say a few in order not to be to cocky with myself which scares me sometimes. I will start with something simple like going to the club.
When I go to the club, I go in for FREE!FREE FREE FREE!

And when I go to the club, there are always people waiting for me to bring in them for free!(Sometimes you wonder why there are so many people standing outside the club)

And when I am in the club, I order nothing but a few dozen champagne to celebrate another day in the club. I don't order whisky, I don't order vodka, I don't order anything else but champagne. Nothing more, nothing less. But then again, not just any Champagne, but moet& chandon.

But this Champagne is not for me because the only thing I drink in the club is nothing more than the lovable Tiger Beer. (good one?hehe)

The champagne are for my friends because I always feel that a joyous party can only happen when your friends feel good about themselves on the night.
And when I go back from the club, my car is waiting for me right outside the club. I go back home with nothing less than a Ferrari F430. Not just any Ferrari but a modified Ferrari. Apparently I hired some ex-engineers from Ferrari to modify the car for me.

But the Ferrari F430 is mainly one of my spare cars that I bought some time ago which I use to go clubbing with only, because as we all know, every time we go back from clubbing, the smoke smell is just out of this world causing my car to be very smelly. Thus, I must admit, the F430 is filled with that smoke smell already. Why affect the other nice cars!

Besides, the Ferrari was bought with the spare change after buying my private jet that I use to travel all over the world with.

Most of the time, I would drive the limited edition Bugatti Veyron to get to work in time.

Once awhile, I would drive my lamborghini which sometimes lack speed.

And when i'm very humble and down-to-earth, I would drive out my Nissan Skyline, not just any Skyline but the Nissan Skyline GTR R35 which is not out in the market yet, to race together with the Ah Beng's in KL.

Of course I would always win, simply because the engineers I hired would modify my Nissan to the extreme. The competition I would say is non-existent most of the time, but for the minor thrill on the roads of KL, I would race with them.
At most times I would be spending my time in Sepang driving some of my fast re-engineered sports car. But Sepang at most times is not good enough for me.

I would invite some of my friends to race in my very own-built racing track at my house that is made by the worlds reknowned racing track architects. I call it, "The Only Fast Lane".

Because money is of no issue to me, certain times when my mood is good, I would give away one of my Lamborghini to deserving friends who may not be able to afford a car like that in their entire lifetime.
So that my friends will be able to join me at my race track and to race with my newer Lamborghini.

While my cocky rich attitude and boy toys happen to make me a standout among people, there is more to it than what already meets the eye.
I am such a standout in life for my passion in building.
My passion in building is unmatchable.
Whenever I drink Tiger Beer, I would always dream of building the tallest building in the world in KL. Some people may find it very cocky because there is already the twin towers, but my dreams has no boundary only with Tiger Beer.

So the next time, you see something like this coming out from the Earth next to Twin Towers, you would know who did it.

In the mean time, I would build buildings made out of Tiger Beer Bottles. Since there isn't really a place to recycle beer bottles, I made sure that the world is a better place by my passion in building homes out of recycled beer bottles.

I'm also a standout for my house parties.
Whenever I have parties at home, everyone in my house has to join me and drink Tiger Beer.There is no other drinks served other than Tiger Beer. Its not that I buy a few packs of Tiger at one time,

my beers come in the truck load.

Enough Tiger Beers to help an entire community survive throughout a year long drought.
I'm also a standout for my collection of Tiger Beer Bottles

especially the blue one.
Because Tiger Beer bottles are so unique and that I am so fascinated by the color and also because I drink so much Tiger Beer, I would have them stacked up to form a tree.

My garden would be filled up with Tiger Bottles to make my garden look Blue!
Blue is Beautiful.
Now..You're probably wondering what I do during most of the time since earning money is not really an issue because I worked so hard during my younger days in which Tiger Beer helped along the way to lower down my stress.
I play the Tiger Beer Game on facebook.
That's right, I would keep on shooting bottles for no apparent reason simply because I find it fun and have too much free time.
While I may seem to be a standout for my cocky rich personality, I'm also a standout in my life for my love to do good for other people who are in need.
There is no point living if you cannot help others.
I'm a standout for offering loans that is catered to help the urban people.
Don't get me wrong! My Loans is not like the Ah Long's.

Given a certain amount of time, if the loan is unpaid, unlike the recent case where Ah Long's are starting to cage people like animals, my fund would provide jobs. There is no point caging people if they cannot work and repay back their debts.
The loan debtors would have no choice but to serve in my not-so-profitable organisation to repay back their loans.
Their job is relatively to do anything. We could send them to Iraq to fight the war when required. We could send them to Afghanistan to help the injured. We could send them out whenever we have a flood. We could send them out to clean our dirty rivers of Malaysia to make them clean again. Relatively humane jobs.
They would be given a chance to earn and repay their loans which at the same time would benefit mankind and make earth greener again. Not to say, given a proper job.
So as you can see, I'm a standout in life.
As much as you could believe that all this could be true or how big a crap all that could be, I always believe that we are all unique and we can be what we want to be because....
With Tiger Beer, we standout!

Sometimes I wonder if i'm such a standout, why do I need to blog to get an entry into the party? Hmmm....Mind Boggling..Mind Blasting...Gotta drink more Tiger Beers!
Ok maybe I think I dreamed a dream too far.

p/s: This is for a competition that ends in a few hours time. So, quickly guys, i'm sure you would standout more than I do. Don't just Sit-OUT!Here's the site.
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